All branches of US military personnel worked together in Taiwan. The common denominator for military police no matter where they were found was Military Police, MP's, although the Navy guys could often be seen with an SP arm band.
The bottom line, no matter what branch of the US military we served, police work was police work, irrespective of what insignia you wore on your uniform.
Here are the Military Police badges of the various services.
The US Air Force, seems they can't make up their mind, as seen below.
US Air Force police were known:
As Military Police (1942 - 1948)
As Air Police (1948 - 1966)
As Security Police (1966 - 1997)
As Security Forces (1997 - Present
I looked and looked and could not find a nice photo of a USAF Security Forces badge.
We often talk about the Marines, and they tried with this badge, but, is it another piece of brass that needs polishing?
I read up on the US Navy military police and it seems they have no specific branch for Military Police. It appears to be more of an assignment when necessary. Possibly some one could provide a better description on US Navy Military Police. Everyone knows Shore Patrol, but these folks apparently were only assigned this duty and it was not a specialty or career duty assignment.
UPDATE: 20 August 2013:
Rory O'Neil sent over a Navy Security Forces Badge, below.

Scott Ellinger found and purchased this1960 Military Police magazine on e-Bay which contained this article on Military Police work in Taiwan. I believe you'll agree, the story centers on the Taipei area.
The Military Police Journal, seen below, shut down some time after 1960.
This three page piece was the only article concerning Formosa or Taiwan that ever ran in the Military Police Journal or as it's now called, "Military Police Bulletin," which now originates from the US Army Military Police Center for Training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Click or double click on each story page.
The article page will open again, and a small magnifying glass icon will appear.
Move your mouse to the icon and left click your mouse.
The story print will enlarge, now it's easier to read and clearly see the enlarge the photos.
The fellows in the photographs above, if they are living, have to be at least 70 years old! I hope someone who worked with the MP's in 1960 in Taipei or anyplace on the island might let us know about those early days. What stories they must have.
There were many "cops" assigned to Taiwan. I am sure there are untold stories that need to get out. Please write and we will get those stories out.
There were many "cops" assigned to Taiwan. I am sure there are untold stories that need to get out. Please write and we will get those stories out.
I have a story from an Air Force Staff Sergeant in Taiwan back in the early 1950s. He writes about the early days of curfew violations, prostitution and black marketing. Those were the "big, No No's" back in the day, and kept the MP's very busy.
I recently learned that the author of the story passed-on. His wife told me to put his story up for all to read. I'm working on it now, its quite lengthy.
Do you have one?
Please leave your comments below or e-mail me.
Please leave your comments below or e-mail me.
In the picture of the bar patrol, the street is Chin Chow St. In 1963, when I first arrived in Taipei the Little Woman Bar was going strong, the Diamond Horseshoe Bar had been renamed American Bar.
John Quinn
My best recollection is the building was called the MND building. Also on the square was MAAG HQ and the Friends of China Club. On double ten day in 1955 there was a flyover of 3 B-36 aircraft in V formation, what a site and sound.
Chuck Merkel
Thanks to Scott and Kent! Inspired to search for US Navy security badge - seems like many were customized for specific location, or the arm band was enough. The closest I came was an image in the following Wikipedia article: Will send image by email. Rory
Thank you for posting Taipei Air Station. I was born in Taipei in 1961, when I tell people they ask "Why was the Navy in Taiwan?" My dad never told me, only he worked in the pharmacy on base is all I knew. Now I have a complete answer.
Thanks for posting! I learned a lot from this and enjoyed every detail. Looking forward for the next post you're going to share regarding this. Good job!
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