8-22 June. ROC Air Force and the Ministry of National Defense on 8 June 1955 and MAAG on 22 June 1955 approved the construction of a “Multi-purpose School and Task Force Support Extended Facilities,” provided that, Air Task Force Thirteen (P) would use the building.
(Ed. note: Anyone know which building this was?)
16 June. Colonel James C. Cochran assumed command of Formosa Air Base Group (Det 1, 6200 ABW) per ATF (P) General Order 2, 16 June 1955.
16 June. A mess hall was opened in the Chinese Hostel with meals and prices comparable to a GI ration mess. Meals were paid for in New Taiwan Dollars (NT).
16 June. It was desirable to locate Hq ATF Thirteen (P) near the Joint Operations Center (JOC) and through Chinese Air Force General Wang’s efforts, the Combined Services Forces (CSF) and the Foreign Affairs Services Division (FASD), three small buildings about one mile from the JOC were placed temporarily at the disposal of ATF Thirteen (P).
Entrance to the original three buildings of ATF 13 (P) October 1955
24 June. Det 2, Seventh Air Force, Taipei, Taiwan was discontinued.
25 June. USAF was granted permission by Major General T.T. Teng, Chief, FASD, CAF, to utilize a designated and then occupied piece of ground 65’ x 80’ square within the property of the Chinese Department of Agriculture for communication equipment. No monetary consideration was given.
28 June. Joint Operations Center (JOC) duty section of ATF 13 (P) commenced operations.
29 June. ATF 13 (P) was granted authority by Thirteenth AF to reassign personnel below the grade of Colonel within the limits of its command.
July. A Chinese government building was obtained for use as a hostel. It had been used as an Interpreter Training School for Chinese. It was located on Hsin Yi Road, some two miles from the Headquarters ATF 13 (P) building. Everyone used the mess hall near the Hq ATF 13 (P) building. 6x6 trucks were used to transport men, when they were available.
July. Two C-47 aircraft, numbers 5930 and 5867, were assigned to ATF 13 (P) for proficient training of assigned flying personnel. Aircraft operated from Taipei International Airport.
This could be one of C-47s assigned to MAAG in July 1955.
July – August. The 67th FBS was deployed to Chiayi AB.
1 July. Thirteenth Air Force Regulation 23-1 fully defined the mission of ATF 13 (P) which included maintaining assigned or attached forces and facilities in a state of readiness permitting immediate offensive and defensive tactical operations in the defense of Taiwan and Penghu, and capable of independent action if separated from Hq Thirteenth Air Force; operational control of all USAF units staging in Taiwan and close coordination with MAAG Taiwan, and other military and US Government agencies on Taiwan.
1 July. 67th FBS deployed to Chiayi AB.
1 July. Elements of 80th FBS were deployed to Chiayi.
9 July. Main portion of ATF 13 (P) moved into the airmen’s barracks which were adjacent to the old headquarters.
9-17 July. From the activation of ATF 13 (P) the Intelligence Section had only one desk and one chair for five persons on duty in their office. By 17 July, this had improved to three desks, one mess hall table, one crate used as a desk and nine chairs.
11 July. The Office of Comptroller was organized with six personnel and space for only three.
Prior to this, personnel had been assigned to the finance office in the MAAG area.
The MAAG Building is on the right side of this photo, red color roof. Photo courtesy of Alice Winans.
22 July. Commander, ATF 13 (P) assumed operational control of the personnel of MAAG Air Force Section (Formosa) who were involved in aircraft control and warning systems and the JOC, since their principal function was operational and came under ATF 13 (P) control.
28 July. Work commenced in the ATF 13 (P) area compound.
August . Lt Col Charles A. Harris was assigned as Information Officer of ATF 13 (P)
10 August. The first Commander's Call for airmen was held this date at ATF 13 (P) headquarters.
17 August. A two chair barber shop was opened in the wash room of the former airmen’s barracks to provide minimum sanitary precautions.
This month also saw the opening of a branch of the MAAG Exchange.
This saved the 10 mile round-trip for small items and cigarettes personnel had been making in the past.
Headquarters, Air Task Force Thirteen (Provisional)
2 September. 18th FBW, 44th FBS and 17th FBS deployed to Taoyuan AB.
2 September. 12th FBS was deployed to Tainan AB.
19 September. ATF 13 (P) participated in EXERCISE BROWN COW 2-55.
20 September. 15th TRS deployed to Taoyuan AB.
25 September. ATF 13 (P) participated in EXERCISE ACEY DEUCEY 3-55.
October – November. 12th FBS was deployed to Tainan AB.
1 November. Formosa Liaison Center (FLC) was reorganized as the United States Taiwan Defense Command (USTDC).
1 November. The Formosa Air Base Group was redesignated as the Taiwan Air Base Group by Thirteenth Air Force General Order 61, dated 14 November 1955.
3 November. CINCPAC in message 0303372 Nov 55 granted USTDC the authority to establish a Class I Troop Supply System and Commissary to issue subsistence to US Army, Navy and Air Force activities and to make sales to authorized personnel.
25 November. Taiwan Base Command was established by MAAG to provide centralized services on an island-wide basis for many services which had not been provided in the past.
1 December. 311th FBS deployed to Tainan AB.
December. A total of five BLUE SKY EXERCISES were conducted from 1 June through the month of December.
1 December. The Headquarters Commandant Section, Taiwan Air Base Group, was abolished and was replaced by Headquarters Squadron Section, per Det 1, 6200 Air Base Wind General Order 4, dated 1 December 1955.
16 December. Operations Plan 1-56 (called the Rochester Plan) was issued for ATF 13 (P).
January – December. The following united deployed aircraft to Taiwan:
Dec 55 – Jan 56 311th Fighter Bomber Sq to Chiayi AB.
Feb – Mar 310th Fighter Bomber Sq
3 Mar – 2 Apr 26th Fighter Interceptor Sq
Apr – May 69th Fighter Bomber Sq
Jun – Jul 311th Fighter Bomber Sq
Aug – Sep 310th Fighter Bomber Sq to Chiayi AB
Oct – Nov 69th Fighter Bomber Sq
Nov 336th Fighter Day Sq to Tainan AB
Dec 56 – Feb 57 311th Fighter Bomber Sq
January. New buildings for ATF 13 (P) were completed and the units moved into them. Delay in the building program was caused by having to drain the area. It had been used as an experimental rice paddies area under the Testing Bureau of the Chinese Department of Agriculture.
Front gate on lane off from Roosevelt Road
Newly constructed compound
Taipei Air Station
Taipei Air Station
Headquarters Air Task Force Thirteen (Provisional)
1 January. The Tactical Materiel Control Center (TMCC) of ATF 13 (P) was organized to take over the activities previously performed by Det 1, Southern Air Materiel Area, and Philippines. The main function was primarily to support project STRONG BOX, a Fifth Air Force project on Taiwan. Det 1 at Taoyuan. Det 2 at Chiayi and Det 3 at Tainan were established this same date to give support to rotating units.
Signage pointing to ATF 13 (P) Compound
February – March. 310th FBS was deployed to Tainan on WILD DUCK DELTA exercise.
March. The buildings at Chiayi Air Base were rehabilitated. A water line and filter system was installed.
March. ATF 13 (P) requested and received permission from the Chinese Air Force to replace the tents in use at Tainan AB with more suitable quarters.
3 March – 2 April. 26th FIS was deployed to Tainan AB.
14 – 15 March. ATF 13 (P) participated in exercise WHISKEY SOUR with the Chinese Air Force.
3 – 4 April. ATF 13(P) participated in a CPX exercise CHIEF MIKE.
3 April. Agreement was signed between USG and GRC to establish procedures for the disposition of grant materials and equipment. (MAAG) (TIAS 3571)
4 April. The “Official Opening” of the Air Task Force Thirteen (Provisional) new compound took place and was attended by high ranking Chinese officers including General Wang Shu-ming, Commanding General, Chinese Air Force. General Wang presented a key to Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.. Commander, Air Task Force Thirteen (Provisional), a symbol of turning over of the compound to the US Air Force.
Raising flags of the Republic of China and the United States on 4 April 1956.
Ceremonies as new compound (Taipei Air Station) was turned over the US Air Force.
Left front: General Wang Shu-ming, Commanding General Chinese Air Force,
standing next, Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis Jr., USAF.
Others in attendance included Lt Gen Huang Jen-lin, Maj Gen Loh Ying-the, Maj Gen Chen Chia-shang.
General Wang and Brigadier General Davis inspect USAF personnel on 4 April 1956.
General Wang hands ceremonial “Key” for new compound to Brigadier General Davis.

Headquarters, Air Task Force 13 (Provisional)
To be Continued.
Please take a minute to write to me if you have information I have not included during this time period or you find a mistake.
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Great info here. Thanks for posting, Kent.
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