Taipei Air Station - 1966 - - - " What you have in the end are memories"......... Photo Courtesy of Richard Reesh.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Young Airman Shares His CCK Days - 1968-69 UPDATED

This evening I was talking with my friend Gene who mentioned some video links he saw on the Taiwan Air Blog.

Here are two fantastic videos produced by Steve Rabb who spent his 15 month tour at CCK.

Long ago days at CCK; these videos really stirred my heart.

UPDATED  - 18 January 2014

The original publication date of this post was -  25 October 2010.

The (two) videos described above were put together into one presentation.

Here is the new video.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Warriors we are

A friend Emailed me this video.