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As I recall, construction on the Taipei Air Station dining facility began in 1966. I was stationed at Taipei Air Station during construction and for some period after it's doors opened.
I never had an opportunity to eat there. I don't recall why, could it be that only personnel residing in the barracks were allowed to eat in the facility?
Can someone help with information about the facility.
How did the name "Charger Inn" become associated with the dining hall? Maybe the Mess Sergeant was from San Diego, OK, maybe he liked Dodge automobiles? Alright, someone help with the correct answer.....
The Hennessy Trophy was awarded to the "Charger Inn" in 1972.
Shu Linkou Air Station had an outstanding dining facility. They captured the Hennessy Trophy in 1968 and 1969, two years in a row. After Taipei Air Station won the trophy in 1972, Shu Linkou came right back and took home the trophy again in 1973 and 1974, another two year run.
I guess you could say, "The best Air Force Chow Halls in the Pacific in the late 1960's and early 1970's were in Taiwan."
Taiwan - our home away from home, serving delicious food just like Mom cooked!
Update - Saturday 26 July 2008: Les Duffin remarked: "The dining hall at SLK was always a highlight. One year when they didn’t win the Hennessy Trophy, they were so embarrassed they remodeled the whole place (new fountain & fish pond among other things) and added a row of Hibachi cookers out back so, when you went through the line you were asked if you wanted your meat cooked or smoked." That's a "bet you didn't know" story, few were aware of, but so interesting. Thanks Les.