I'm going to leave this Post on Top of the Blog for a week or so. Hope you'll send in your feelings regarding a trip this fall....
I've had a couple of notes regarding a possible "coming together" in Taipei.
Let me know your feelings.
Prices for air and hotel accommodations can be determined at a later date if we have enough folks who want to travel back to our old home away from home, wonderful Taiwan. A lot has changed, but I guarantee, you will be glad you took the trip. Consider your options and send in your thoughts.
I paid about $150.00 US for a room with a king bed which included a great buffet breakfast when I last visited Taipei in November 2007. We can find less expensive rooms, Air travel via Eva Airlines and China Air Lines are probably the least expensive. If we decide to GO, we can figure out an Itinerary at a later date.
Let your feelings and/or ideas be known by clicking on the "Comment" below.
ADDENDUM: 13 Feb 2008..
I ran the numbers with China and Eva Airlines..
Round trip Los Angeles to Taipei in mid September:
China Air - 853.00 Eva Air - $988.00
Not inexpensive, but it's a long flight and fuel prices are high. Maybe we could get a group rate.
The trip would be an experience. AND a side trip to Hong Kong would complete a wonderful and exciting vacation. I visited Hong Kong with my family in May 2006 and those 5 days were the most wonderful vacation days of my life. I had more fun, did more things and enjoyed the beauty of the city and harbor that can't be duplicated any place I know of. If I had been alone, it wouldn't have been so much fun, but with folks that share your values and history, you become friends and together things fall into place with much ease and the days are filled with happiness and joy.
These are my feelings and my heart.
Lots of us have procrastinated, put it off, drug our feet, made excuses about returning.
Is this the year to return? Can you see yourself standing on an outside balcony of the Grand Hotel on a sunny afternoon, looking down toward the old Navy Exchange, having excitement in your heart and butterflies in your stomach as you contemplate experiencing another few days in Taipei with friends. You can see all of the places you once knew. How could it not be a fun trip....
The summer Olympics will be finished in Beijing (8-24 August) and the tourists will be gone for the most part.
Let's discuss this and see what we can come up with.