Brenda Kane was in Taiwan from 1965 to 1967, employed at the MAAG East Compound.
She sent these photographs to share. 
This family had a home, water pond and ducks to eat or sell.
Brenda thought the man looking at the woman seated may have been a Dentist.
We have all seen this taxi garage or a similar one close to our home. .
I always wondered why the rebar was not cut off when the second story concrete floors were laid. If you look just to the right of the taxi sign's telephone number, you can see rebar sticking out from the building. I think I know why, what is your guess?
This is unusual. This barefoot man pulls a rickshaw. I don't recall ever seeing a rickshaw in Taiwan during my time, 1965 - 1968. This man must be one of the last of the rickshaw pullers who has not yet moved to a pedicab. Consider this, pulling a rickshaw takes different muscles than peddling a heavy pedicab. He may not want to change!
This was taken on a Sunday ride to the north along the ocean. Does someone remember this corner?
Home delivery from the lumber yard....Quite a load for this 3 wheeler.
Made for commentary -
OK Big 3.. It's back to basics or no Bail Out!
It worked pretty good back in the day.
Thank you Brenda for taking time to send these wonderful photographs.
"Coming Soon"
Tainan Air Base in 1958..
I might be wrong. but I think the sea-view picture in the post is around Chio-Fen, a small mining town which now a popular touring spot. the gas station in the picture is around 10km east of Keelung. I've never been there for 10years but it looks familiar to me.,121.828809&spn=0.0136,0.017874&t=h&z=16&brcurrent=3,0x345d4534c97a051b:0xc95fff2e7381ebdb
I guess that's the McCauley Beach.
I was at ShuLinKou (Navy) Sept 1970 - Jan 1972 with a TAD to the P.I. from May - Aug of 1971 (so I did not have a full tour). My nickname was Radar. I am currently in Knoxville, Tn - or 865-985-8346 if you want to contact me. It was a very good tour, although I would say the P.I. was a little wilder. They said there was a pool on base but I was always trying to get to the bus (lol) to go downtown. I don't remember why (lol)
"I always wondered why the rebar was not cut off when the second story concrete floors were laid. If you look just to the right of the taxi sign's telephone number, you can see rebar sticking out from the building. I think I know why, what is your guess?"
Good question! Even I don't know the answer. My husband asked me the question too.
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