This C-124 Globemaster II Tail 0-21048 sits on the tarmac at Sung Shan in 1963. I researched this aircraft and found that the Georgia ANG later inherited the plane from the Air Force.
No other aircraft can been seen in this photo. Anyone recognize the parking area?

Peter had purchased the car from another GI who was leaving the island. Peter said he paid $250.00 for the car, drove it until his tour tour was complete in 1963 and sold the car to another GI for $250.00. These old cars passed from single GI to single GI for years.
Rules in 1963 required a military person to own the car for 5 years before it could be sold outside of the military.
Of course none of the normal military folks would have been in Taiwan for a 5 year period, therefore, no cars were sold on the civilian market until sometime after Peter left Taiwan in 1963.
Can someone remember when the regulations were changed to allow the sale of military owned vehicles to civilians.
Wheels of any type were transportation to young GI's back in the day. In those days, there were few cars on the road and you could park just about any place your heart desired.
Many young GI's in the early days had motorcycles.