My good friend Gene Hirte provided these photos.
If you have Google Earth, type in these coordinates 23° 27' 42" N 120° 23' 34" E for a close up look view of Chiayi Air Base. Don't have Google Earth? You can download the program here. Take the free download.
Chiayi Air Base has been in use many years. I suspect it was build by the Japanese, although I can find no documents on the Internet to it's history. There is mention of two or three US aviation units deploying to Chiayi during the 1950's.
I am told that there were "non MAAG" US personnel assigned to Chiayi in the 1960's and 1970's.
If anyone has information on Chiayi, please let me know and I will post an Update.
Update: Be sure to see these very old photographs of Chiayi, posted below.
Looks like Base Operations
A favorite, the C-130H
An AT-3 The paint probably indicates this aircraft is used for training new pilots.
It is an IDF. But in Taiwan its formal designation is F-CK-1
Chiayi Air Base in 1950:
Yep, that's the infamous I Don't Fly (IDF). A product created by Taiwan CSIST during the cold war period (no country would sell advanced fighter jets to Taiwan in the 80's).
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