Click on the article for a full screen readable view.
Here's an eye catching article from today's Honolulu Star Bulletin. It comes courtesy of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL SUNDAY.
My wife was a Taiwan citizen. I'm sure many of you who read this blog were married in Taiwan.
According to the article, our children may be eligible to claim Taiwan citizenship if a parent was a citizen of Taiwan.
.With all the changes occurring with the new Kuomintang lead government and the PRC, Taiwan citizens could one day find themselves citizens of the PRC. Interesting possibility.....
Has anyone traveled down this avenue, trying to claim dual citizenship in this way? Please let us know what you have encountered.
Let's see, if my children obtained Taiwan citizenship,returned to the island and ran for office, would they be forced renounce their US citizenship?
I'm reminded of all the hullabaloo and goings on with certain Taiwan government officials alleged to hold "Green Cards."
Here's the link to the Wall Street Journal article: